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These are not Ursula's bears
On bear acts, you can give me Ursula every time. To this day, she is unsurpassed. She was respected by everyone except the Soviet Communists who tormented her day by day, under Ringling management which kept a cold-hearted silence on the oppression.
She was certainly (& remains so) respected by all but not loved by all as she was aloof & haughty She was understandibly demanding & only spoke in a friendly manner to a small select group
It was Trolle Rhodin that managed to break through the Iron Curtain to bring an array of top notch acts from the various Communist countries but with many unnegotiable conditions Monies & free speech were top of the list
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These are not Ursula's bears
On bear acts, you can give me Ursula every time. To this day, she is unsurpassed. She was respected by everyone except the Soviet Communists who tormented her day by day, under Ringling management which kept a cold-hearted silence on the oppression.
She was certainly (& remains so)
respected by all but not loved by
all as she was aloof & haughty
She was understandibly demanding
& only spoke in a friendly manner
to a small select group
It was Trolle Rhodin that
managed to break through
the Iron Curtain to bring
an array of top notch acts
from the various Communist
countries but with many
unnegotiable conditions
Monies & free speech were
top of the list
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