Monday, June 17, 2019



Chic Silber said...

This has run before but

P J Holmes asked for it

to be run again so that

it might get identified

by Richard Reynolds

Tony Greiner said...

This is a different hippo, but it reminds me of "Fat Albert" who rode the hippo truck I drove in 1978. I stopped at a gas station in rural Alabama for a coke and some peanuts, and couldn't get the truck started again. While waiting for Gus the mechanic to drive by, word got out about the 'giant pig' and people started coming to take a look at it. It was a hot day, but the station owner was a good sort of woman, and didn't mind the truck blocking the pumps...she even set up a garden hose to run water over Albert's back.

Eventually Gus found me, and the first thing he did was unscrew the gas gap on the driver's side of the saddle tank....bone dry. I had checked the other side of tank, which had plenty that morning. Gus let me know that the transfer pump had broken long before. So I ran out of gas at a gas station.

Richard Reynolds said...

This is Fatima of the Ringling show. She was born in Central Park zoo and traded to RB in 1897. She died on RBBB in 1926.