Saturday, June 08, 2019



Chic Silber said...

These next 9 were by Aghayan

& Bob Mackie for the original

"Hallelujah Hollywood" at the

MGM Grand in Glitter Gulch

After the big fire it became

"Jubilee" & the hotel became

Bally's Grand

Chic Silber said...

This lavish revue was the 2nd

of Donn Arden's in Las Vegas

following his spectacular "Lido"

at the Stardust Hotel that he

replicated from his original

that is still running in Paris

Chic Silber said...

These are understandably

known in the business as

"Tits & Feathers Revues"

Ooh La La

Roger Smith said...

Is it true that the lavish revues like this have returned to the big rooms in Havana? They were wildly successful in the era of Fulgencio Batista, but under Castro, Cuba was plunged into oppression almost overnight, and the great venues went dark.

Bill Johnston told me of being there on a circus with Pat Anthony the day Castro stormed in, January 1st, 1959. He had the cages turned around, hoping to shield the cats from the firestorm of bullets. Finally, a Castro soldier came over and told Bill it wasn't the circus people they were after, and if they got organized, and cooperated, the soldiers would allow the show to load out and set sail back to Florida. They kept their word, and bullet holes and all, the show made the 90-mile crossing thinking Castro might not be so bad, after all.