Monday, May 13, 2019



Chic Silber said...

In a very lengthy NY Times obit

a tremendous number of recording

film & TV credits are mentioned

but surprizingly not "Jumbo"

We got left out yet again

Chic Silber said...

My favorite song from the film

Sit there and count your fingers
What can you do
Old girl you're through
Just sit there and count your little fingers
Unlucky little girl blue.

Just sit there and count the raindrops
Falling on you
It's time you knew
All you can count on
Are the raindrops
That fall on little girl blue

No use old girl
You may as well surrender
Your hopes are getting slender
Why won't somebody send a tender blue boy
To cheer up little girl blue

With due respect to
Lorenz Hart & Richard Rogers

Roger Smith said...

The film folk did not get it from this trunk that they placed Doris in the M-D-R--Men's Dressing Room.

Chic Silber said...

This has been mentioned before

It's supposed to be her father's

"Pop Wonder" trunk for when he

dresses for the high wire clown

routine that was done by "Linon"

Hence the nose she is wearing

Roger Smith said...

I had not recalled that she was using her father's trunk.