Sunday, May 12, 2019



Chic Silber said...

Princess Grace Kelly Grimaldi

Chic Silber said...

Mother of Caroline Albert & Stephanie

Roger Smith said...

Around the studios, there were some tales of interest about Grace in her film star days. All stars have stories, true or false, attached to them, usually for life. What I came to like about Grace and Ranier was their efforts to get Clyde Beatty appointments with Philadelphia's finest ultra-high society doctors. Because of who they were, and who Clyde Beatty was, he was scheduled in when most such doctors had waiting lists a year long. I was his driver, and wondered what was up when I saw him take off in the Cadillac those mornings without summoning me as chauffeur. He was keeping appointments, and didn't want his destinations stirring speculations. They did all they could for 1964, but they missed his cancer. It progressed rapidly, and down in August, he entered Billings Hospital, of the University of Chicago Hospitals, for his first cancer surgery. He did not return to the show that year. He made a valiant comeback effort for '65, but could not continue. He returned to his home, in Ventura, California, and died on July 19th. I recall with respect how Grace and Ranier were the first to care and get him into early treatments.

Paul Gutheil said...

Roger, I personally cannot thank you enough for all your informative, to say the least, comments on the Blog. I only hope and pray that beside the Blog you have either written and/or videotaped your memories of a great career and a life well-lived and which encompasses so much.