Wednesday, April 03, 2019



Chic Silber said...

Might be Art Concello lower right

Chic Silber said...

That's some sturdy crane car

Roger Smith said...

They're shooting the downtown parade after the resurrection of the show from the train wreck. Listen again to the dialogue, as the next town is named Cedar City. We've read there were some 50,000 extras in the parade sequence, most of them residents of Sarasota. Look for the movie marquee heralding 1950's SAMSON AND DELILAH, the major DeMille release just prior to GSOE.

Chic Silber said...

They must have trucked some in

Back in the day there weren't

that many in Sarasota & Manatee

Counties combined but we all

know about publicity numbers

"How many Indians Were There?"

(repeat 4 or 5 times & then)

"So I Walked Up To The Squaw

& Bought a Blanket"

Chic Silber said...

I think this was near the

corner of Main & Orange very

close to the Seaboard Station

Roger Smith said...

The old Cast of Thousands claim. I worked as an extra in dozens of crowd scenes, and we got the crowds by shifting around to different sections of the scene, often changing our shirts or jackets, not sitting by the same people, and for crying out loud NOT letting our vouchers stick out of our pockets. We worked this way in a football stadium for THE LONGEST YARD, and for a political convention for THE WEST WING. Work your extras butts off, and you get your Cast of Thousands.