Tuesday, April 09, 2019



Chic Silber said...

With her parents

Lou & Jean Jacobs

Chic Silber said...

Lou should not require any

introduction to any folks

that are Circuscentric

Others should look him up

Roger Smith said...

Dolly is beautiful beyond belief.

I first met her parents on the '57 Ringling show. Lou was immediately friendly, and invited me back to watch him make up. I was still dealing with spinal surgery at the time, and spent those days learning makeup from Theatre majors at Baylor University. Seeing Lou work his masterful makeup tricks was an education like no other, and I absorbed every detail. Also sharing their profession was Albert White and Paul Jerome, who was working his whiteface that year. Later, once healed up, I became Student Director of the Makeup Lab at Texas Tech, and was able to relate the techniques of the real pros to those opening their first makeup box.

As for looking Lou up, YouTube has a number of clips on him, so start clicking on.

Chic Silber said...

You & I were 14 in 57 Roger

Somehow your timeline seems

slightly askew with dates

Roger Smith said...

'57 was the year RBB came to Waco on trucks, and played the Heart O' Texas Coliseum. Also met Doc Henderson, and a hero figure from the 1956 film TRAPEZE, Fay Alexander. I was in a back brace, barely making it on crutches. As for Texas Tech, I began my theatre major in the Fall of '61, and qualified for the Makeup Lab. Later on, several people knew that I'd turned 50, so what's askew?

Chic Silber said...

I got the wrong impression

that you were teaching college

makeup classes at age 14 (sorry)

Roger Smith said...

My spot was to assist instruction in Makeup, ordering supplies, and having everything set out for the actors per the show in production. I taught with the approval of our professors, and thus had to be listed as employed. Even in those days, to work for the State of Texas, I had to sign a loyalty oath that I was not a communist.