Tuesday, April 09, 2019



Chic Silber said...

With her husband Pedro Reis

a former aerialist himself

Together they created our

hometown "Circus Sarasota"

Chic Silber said...

Pedro is from South Africa

He came over with the dual

flying act "The Survivors"

Charles Hanson said...

I saw "The Survivors" only once on Ringling....The name was most appropriate...Death defying from opening trick to finish trick. The act was a hanging type perch act with many catches and releases and somersault releases. Worked fairly high with NO NET or other safety devices...Palms of the hands were sweaty watching this one of a kind aerial act. Saw an interview that Pedro did about this act...He said the stress level for the catcher was extremely high...Best I recall, the catcher finally retired from the act because of the stress.

Charles Hanson said...

Maybe a hanging type cradle act might be closer to what they did....