The heavy-set midget is Bagonghi, who enjoyed a long and storied career.
2nd from R is Jimmy Douglas, a circus creative master, who designed and executed high-class wardrobe as well as memorable production numbers. Jimmy's long-time hobby was collecting Taylor trunks, drawing pleas from everyone for an acquisition. To this day, I've never known what became of this most envied collection.
Rough time line: Cristiani Bros. Circus first toured in 1956 and 1959 may have been their last year? Don't believe that show toured any in 1960 but could be wrong. Around 1960 is when Pete Cristiani took out Wallace Bros Circus later changing the title to Cristiani-Wallace Bros. Circus.
Billy is 3rd from left
Kenny on the far right
Both with neck ruffles
The heavy-set midget is Bagonghi, who enjoyed a long and storied career.
2nd from R is Jimmy Douglas, a circus creative master, who designed and executed high-class wardrobe as well as memorable production numbers. Jimmy's long-time hobby was collecting Taylor trunks, drawing pleas from everyone for an acquisition. To this day, I've never known what became of this most envied collection.
Can anyone tell me when the first picture might have been taken?
Can anyone put a date to the first picture? Thanks
I'll ask Kenny when next
I get to speak to him as
I've been traveling & he
has been very busy with
funerals & memorials
Until I find out my guess
would be mid to late 50s
Rough time line: Cristiani Bros. Circus first toured in 1956 and 1959 may have been their last year? Don't believe that show toured any in 1960 but could be wrong. Around 1960 is when Pete Cristiani took out Wallace Bros Circus later changing the title to Cristiani-Wallace Bros. Circus.
Pete Critiani may have started Wallace Bros Circus in 1961 instead of 1960 as stated above.
Kenny just told me it was from 58
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