Mickey and Minnie were famed as The Clyde Beatty Chimps, but the only man who could get around them was master trainer Albert Fleet. Buckles has told us Mickey was "the meanest son-of-a-bitch" on any show, who would send folding seats flat-spinning into the bandstand. First of May clowns need to know that chimps hate clown makeup, and will viciously attack them on sight. Veteran clowns warn them to stay well out of sight when the chimps are being moved. Mickey chewed half a hand off Albert Fleet, and there is a newspaper photo of Beatty accompanying him to an ambulance. This guy looks as threatening as Mickey was.
Gomel is the State Circus
of Belarus in Russia
I 1st thought the same Lee
When I enlarged it clearly
it's an animal but could
it be a gorilla
Everything about it says BIG Chimp to me! Shades of Tony and Irene Fossett's Erik who got too big to handle in performance.
I wouldn't go near that chimp with a SWAT team.
I'll bet he has a 10 foot wingspan
The biggest badass chimp I ever saw
was Congo on the Beatty Show midway
Was it Lemke that had
the big bad gal Susie
Mickey and Minnie were famed as The Clyde Beatty Chimps, but the only man who could get around them was master trainer Albert Fleet. Buckles has told us Mickey was "the meanest son-of-a-bitch" on any show, who would send folding seats flat-spinning into the bandstand. First of May clowns need to know that chimps hate clown makeup, and will viciously attack them on sight. Veteran clowns warn them to stay well out of sight when the chimps are being moved. Mickey chewed half a hand off Albert Fleet, and there is a newspaper photo of Beatty accompanying him to an ambulance. This guy looks as threatening as Mickey was.
This may be in Russia, but the trainer looks to me like Bobby Berosini.
Sorry Richard but he doesn't
look much like Bobby to me
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