Sunday, December 23, 2018



Chic Silber said...

Not done by me but that

hard panel mounted on the

marquee might have been

photoshopped very nicely

It doesn't look original

4pawfan said...

This is mounted to three columns which you can see if you blow the photo up. I have never seen a photo of this being put up, but they may have used the type of footing that is under center poles. Thus putting it together on the ground and then pulling it up. You would have to do this before the marquee was put up. They also had a smaller one between the sideshow banner line wagons. Photo from the 30's. p.j.

Chic Silber said...

Thanks PJ as I thought

it might have been set

for a film or TV shoot

Any idea what show it is

4pawfan said...

Chic this is Ringling. I have a better photo of it if I can get take a photo of it. (Kelty that won't fit in a scanner) Would need your email p.j.

Chic Silber said...

Please send it (& any other great stuff)

to Thanks