Thursday, December 27, 2018



Roger Smith said...

Mabel in Thousand Oaks, 1938. Her biggest act was 22 mixed lions and tigers for Barnes-Sells Floto that season. Both titles of that combine were owned by the Ringling interests, and acts from RB joined out, when the Big One closed in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The show suffered through '38, and closed in Sarasota. Neither Barnes nor Sells Floto toured again as circuses.

The season had been bitter for Ringling, and they were glad to unload what they could off Barnes-Sells Floto. Louis Goebel obtained some of the act Mabel worked. She never wanted the lions, but added them and gave her bosses the act they wanted. Goebel brought Mabel directly to Thousand Oaks from her RB contract, and she had a home there for her remaining 30 years. Here, she poses with one of the 1938 lions.