Saturday, December 08, 2018



Chic Silber said...

To me this is the color

tigers ought to be

Wade G. Burck said...

I agree Chic, but we must also acknowledge that is is a historical significance to the white tiger, as they did occur naturally in the wild. Snow white, golden tabby, etc. are of no use or historical significance and are akin to breeding different colored/finned guppies. My opinion. When there were 11 white tigers world wide(8 in the United States and 3 in England they were a big, big deal. Eventually everyone had one and they fell out of favor. I took the first white tigers to Asia in 1983 when the Hawthorn white tigers appeared in Tokyo, Japan. Now there are literally 1000's in Asia. The safari in China I was at had over 200 alone. The first white tiger's in Europe went there in 1988 when John Campolongo took my old act to Circus Knie in Switzerland and Alen Gold a year later took the act to Germany and Circus Krone. Europe as well as the rest of the world are now full of white tigers. Every white tiger alive today carries the blood of Hawthorn's white male tiger, Tony. There was an effort with "white" lions(what a misnomer that is) to capture the excitement if the first white tiger's, but given their "that's not white" coloration it never really went any place.

Wade Burck

Chic Silber said...

Perhaps 40 or 50 years ago I saw

the 1st white tiger brought to

the National Zoo in Washington

"Mohini" was full blooded Bengal

She was bred to a standard color

Bengal male which produced more

"regular" colored offspring

Chic Silber said...

Gunther's 1st white might have been

a gift from Siegfried Fischbacher

It was crosseyed & dumb as a rock

It might have been a surprise from

Irvin who became the producer of

their magic presentation in Vegas

Gunther was not impressed

Chic Silber said...

Sorry to hear of that very common blood line

Wasn't Tony a Siberian Bengal mix like

the vast majority of our performing tigers

Best attributes of each breed work well

Chic Silber said...

I'm also not a fan of Ligers or Tiglons

In modern times these animals haven't

lived on the same continent

Richard Reynolds said...

Yes they do. The Asiatic lion still holds forth in the Gir forest of India.

Chic Silber said...

I was told they were extinct Richard

(they still shouldn't canoodle)

Wade G. Burck said...


As Napoleon Dynamite said in regards to ligers " It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic." As the immortal John Milton Herriott said "Nuf said....."

What "common" bloodline are you referring too? GGW's white tiger was born at the Baltimore County Fair and was purchased from Julius Von Uhl. Cross eyes doesn't make an animal "dumb" as a rock. Any more then a cross eyed human is dumb as a rock. The handy cap give them a unique issue which which intelligence permit's them to work out. In the early day's the only people who called the stupid were the people who didn't have the funds to purchase one, people who felt they were greater then the excitement of the white tiger, or folk's who just didn't know better and were repeating what they had been told. I have worked with them almost exclusively for over 40 year's and have found the majority of them to be no different then a normal colored tiger. The few that are cross eyed today to have to be worked with in an easy gentle manner until they understand what is expected of them. Once they got it, they are fine.

Mohini was the mother of carrier Kesari who was loaned to the Cincinnati Zoo who was bred, against National Zoo objections to Tony from the Hawthorn Corp. She produced 5 offspring, 4 white and one carrier. As per the breeding arraignment of every other cub as it was born Cincinnati got a male and a female white and Hawthorn unfortunately got two white males. My understanding was National Zoo retained the carrier. I say unfortunate, as Hawthorn already had two white males Tony and Frosty and a white barren female Bagheera. With Four white males and one barren female it was difficult to breed more white tigers. In the early day's we bred our mature males Tony and Frosty to normal female which produced carrier females which were bred back when they were sexually mature to distant related Ika and Ari from the Cincinnati Zoo. That is called line breeding, not inbreeding as some uneducated folks suggest. Eventually we were able to produce white offspring to breed back to white. Inbreeding is what the Cincinnati Zoo did to produce their white tiger dynasty which Siegfried and Roy bought into in the early 80's, as none of Hawthorn's were ever for sale until the late 90's.

National Zoo's Mohni was the Grand mother of Hawthorn's Ika and Ari and the Grand Mother of S & R's white tiger's which a few year's later produced the first "Snow Tigers of Nevada."

Wade Burck

Wade G. Burck said...


Greetings, It is great to have you chime in and I trust you are well and in good health. Have you every heard about a snow tiger at Exeter Change Menagerie in 1820. I have an illustration of one described as "creamy white, with stripes so pail they can only be seen in certain light.

Chic, if you ever met Jesus would you ask him "listen pal, did you really do all those miracles they say you did?" That's what you did when you questioned RJR..... LOL

Wade Burck

Wade G. Burck said...


" Grand Mother of S & R's white tiger's" should be Great Grand Mother, and "handy cap" should be handicap. Let that be a lesson. Don't try to type late a night in China while they are playing Chinese folk music in the court yard. Just awful!!!! If you have ever heard cat's breeding you know what I am talking about.

Side note to a life with white tigers: When my second son Eric was born and the doctor came to the waiting room to tell my oldest son Adam that he had a new baby brother, Adam who was around 5 at the time looked him straight in the eye and asked "what color is he?" The doctor looked at me puzzled and I had to explain that each time one of my tigers had babies the first thing I asked was "what color are they?" Adam spent too much time in the barn with me and just assumed it was a normal question to ask at a birth...... When his daughter Lily Apolonia was born the first thing I asked him was "what color is she?" We had a good laugh at the long ago memory.

Wade Burck

Chic Silber said...

I wasn't correcting Richard

Merely explaining why I was

under the impression that

Asiatics didn't still exist

Not likely for me to run into

Jesus in Hell Wade but many

friends are very likely