Saturday, December 15, 2018



Chic Silber said...

This foolishly mangled goat

(1 of several) very quickly

became a heat merchant

This pretty girl had been

Luis Garcia's skating partner

Luis is now Boss canvas (vinyl)

for Circus Sarasota

Chic Silber said...

Angora Goats produce

the fluffy fiber Mohair

Roger Smith said...

An examining veterinarian determined this one-horn effect was achieved by transplanting the two horn buds in the skulls of baby goats into a single fused unit--horrific surgery that caused immense suffering to the victims. It was further demonstrated that Kenny Feld ordered this done with a series of young goats until he got something he could claim as a "unicorn", in his horrid effort to have a latter-day promotional akin to that for Jumbo and Gargantua. The primary vet learned of numerous deaths resulting from this most unethical procedure, and so did the animal rights activists. There is a clip of Feld entering a building where the show was playing to find himself stormed by loud and angry protesters, and for this once, I would have been among them. Barnum exhibited animal and human oddities, all of which were known to have been born that way. Most of his animal "freaks" were saved from destruction, and his human "freaks" were many times saved from lives secluded in 19th-century asylums. He never created, or commissioned to be created, any live animal or human attraction. P.T. enhanced what he discovered, and everyone prospered. Upon succeeding in finding unscrupulous veterinary surgeons, Kenny Feld paid for repetitive animal torture that stains his name as deserved.