Sunday, October 14, 2018



Chic Silber said...

This busily decorated coat

slightly reminds me of the

"Purlies of Lambeth"

Roger Smith said...

Big John Strong. His Winterquarters sat side-by-side with our property at Jungleland, in Thousand Oaks. We closed this month, in '69, and like those visiting vanished history, I still return at least once a year to what we had then. Jungleland's 172 acres are unrecognizable now, totally bulldozed and reconfigured for the Civic Arts Plaza. John Strong's quarters slowly disappeared, also. For years, there remained bare vestiges of his occupancy. Later, I'd see 3 or 4 trailers there, and a couple of old cars. Then, on a visit a dozen years ago, there was nothing, just a flat, barren lot, as if someone had scraped the earth.

Bob Swaney said...

Sad finale for a good guy and quintessential showman. Got to know him when I was stationed in Northern California. Later, while stationed in Omaha, it was always a treat to get together when he came to town with his Christmas and other stage shows. I remember calling him one day in Yucaipa and his wife, Gudrun, said he was chasing down his elephant, Nina, who had gotten loose.
His monument at Mt Olivet Showman’s Rest in Hugo, like him, is larger than life.

Angela Martin said...

Appreciate the compliments...but this is Billy Martin

justlarry said...

I would have sworn that was Billy Martin!

Angela Martin said...


Chic Silber said...

I didn't get to know either of them

Sorry for other's mistaken identity

I'm just the bartender in this joint

Don't you & Billy have your own show

now after years with Struppi & Tommy

Bob Swaney said...

Oh well. Also had the pleasure of meeting Billy and Angela at the NY State Fair one year when I was in the Strates roadoffice. Nice folks for sure.

Paul Gutheil said...

Thank you Angela.

Roger Smith said...

If this is Martin, I have to note the resemblance is understandably close to Big John.

Bob Swaney said...

Indeed, it is!