Thursday, September 06, 2018



Tony Greiner said...

Is that Hop-a-Long Cassidy on the right?

Wade G. Burck said...

That's Pawnee Bill on the left and Zack Miller on the right, of 101 Ranch fame. I would have loved to have seen a wild west show. Amazing how they could get all that plunder on a boat and get it over to England for shows. I have always felt like I have missed something in life by never seeing one. Still pictures and movies do not begin to show the excitement they must have created.

Wade Burck

Roger Smith said...

Read the fine article on Buffalo Bill's European tours in the current BANDWAGON.

Roger Smith said...

In fact, Buffalo Bill has been extensively covered for many years in issues of both BANDWAGON and WHITE TOPS. You'll have to get into their archives and indexes to find all the stories. The circus press also examines other Wild West shows, including Tim McCoy's, and has run features on the many movie cowboys who signed with circuses.