Thursday, September 06, 2018

WADE #10


Wade G. Burck said...

Little Champ is not wearing his pistol bit in this photo. There must have been some peta folks lurking about that day. It look's like they were practicing a liberty routine, as they are in a makeshift rope ring. Note the "circus type" hoop/jump in the background. At the time a majority of movie/tv horses were trained by Glenn Randall and staff, especially any liberty work. One of the best,, in my opinion is the 8 horse palomino, no harness liberty act he trained for Roy Roger's to do fair appearance's with.

So sad that at one time movie star's, actor's and other famous people clamored to be a part of the circus world, and circus performers even endorsed products and then in recent time's we are treated like we are lepers.........

Wade Burck