Monday, September 10, 2018

FILM #12


Chic Silber said...

Roger mentioned this film

just a few days ago when

he saw Annie Fratellini

Roger Smith said...

Richard Basehart played The Fool in LA STRADA. He had distinguished himself in greatly varied roles and came to the attention of the legendary Fellini. Basehart had scored big in THE 14 HOURS, and when he asked Fellini why he was chosen for The Fool, the director said, "After what you did with THE 14 HOURS, I knew you could do anything." Basehart had been born in Zanesville, Ohio, in 1914. He died of a series of strokes in 1984, at age 70.

Tony Greiner said...

If I remember correctly, Basehart later had a starring role in a television series about a submarine.