Saturday, September 08, 2018



Chic Silber said...

"Sepentina" was a delightful

routine of Billy McCabe's

Unknown said...

I have been trying to find pictures of Billy Mcabe..he is my Uncle who passed in 1989 of intestinal cancer..he is sadly missed..when my 2 brothers and I were young we got our photo taken every year with his portrait in the background. It was a painting of him in his serpentina costume which is now in the Ringling art museum in bradenton florida..any pics you may have would be awesome..thank you Cheryl Cruse (Betts)

Chic Silber said...

Yes indeed Cheryl I have quite a few

I met Billy & Kenny Dodd in 61 or 62

on "The Beatty Show" & they became

good friends over many years & Ken

remains my very best friend today

Please send me your E address to my

E adress "" so

I can send some of them to you

I also have many stories to tell

you about your uncle


Chic Silber said...

I hope you like the series

I assembled for you today

Sunday the 2nd of August

on "Buckles Blog"