Tuesday, September 11, 2018

9/11 #3


Chic Silber said...

In "local claim to fame"

it was the little Venice

airport adjacent to the

Ringling winter quarters

where the Kamikaze pilots

trained for this mission

Roger Smith said...

Something's off about this shot. Both buildings show terrible crash damage, but there's still a plane coming in, aimed for the left building.

Chic Silber said...

The smoke & debris in front of

the South Tower was actually

from the initial crash into the

North Tower before the 2nd strike

Roger Smith said...

I guess we've all seen the long list of videos on YouTube, claiming 9/11 was an inside job from the George Bush administration, and insisting all was planned demolition, to give W an excuse to get us into war.

In these years of history, we can't be surprised by these responses. Today, we see Donald Trump blamed for the weather conditions bringing us Hurricane Florence.