Monday, August 06, 2018

O & P #2


Chic Silber said...

He is spinning in his grave

as we all mourn the outcome

Chic Silber said...

His vision & his spirit gave

the show many great years

I am very grateful to have

been there then

Chic Silber said...

Irvin Feld & his brother Isreal

started with a drug store that

featured pop music (on vinyl)

in Washington DC & became the

promoters of several touring

musical groups for a few years

This led them to become the

promoters of several Arenas

in the mid Atlantic region

That's how they became familiar

with the circus & it's funding

Chic Silber said...

The brothers teamed up with

Judge Roy Hofheinz of Texas

to purchase TGSOE from North

Hofheinz was primarily for

financial support & didn't

remain involved for long

Chic Silber said...

His 2 children deserve each other

Roger Smith said...

CHIC: You will know this better than this washed-up cagehand, but I think Irvin and Israel Feld discovered Paul Anka, and propelled him to stardom. And you might verify my thoughts that the brothers promoted tours for Frank Sinatra and Barbra Streisand.

In the late '50s, and early '60s, I caught about 3 of these shows which had 15 or 20 acts that were one-hit wonders. These kids were super at what they did, often with their 1, maybe 2, charted records, but alas, their talent could not sustain a long career. One of these shows starred a man who stayed on top for his entire lifetime, and is a legend after his passing--Fats Domino. I think the Feld Bros. sent these tours on the road before their attentions turned to Johnny North.

Chic Silber said...

I'm not certain of those details

Roger but they sound about right

Only after they came to learn

about the potential of concession

funding did they become intent

Their partner attorney was able

to separate many of the elements

before packaging the primary for

investments & future sale which

became bones of contention many

times in the near & far future

Hence Sells Floto & Hagenbeck

Wallace as stand alone ventures

(yet to this day) & others