Thursday, August 30, 2018



Hal Guyon said...

I took this picture in the back staging area of Jamil Shrine Center in Columbia, SC in the mid 80`s, I`ll have to look up the exact date. I asked Tommy and Struppi to pose for me and Tommy picked up a program that was laying there and this is the result, always been one of my favorite photos. I was Co-Chairman of the Jamil Shrine Circus for over 20 years and Tommy and Struppi were 2 of the best to work with. Royal Hanneford always put on a First Class Show and this coming February, now under the direction of Nellie and Adrian will be their 43rd consecutive year at Jamil Shrine Center.

Chic Silber said...

Thanks Hal

Billie Lou Henderson said...

Lots of mail, letters and cards, around from Tommy and Struppi. As I said before, I'm 90. What happens to it when I'm gone?

Chic Silber said...

Sad but all too common a story

Billie Lou as there are far more

collections than collectors

(me too) I dread the inevetable

dumpster parade