Thursday, August 23, 2018



Bob Swaney said...

For DR Miller's funeral, the route from the Hugo (OK) Agriplex to Mt Olivet Showmen's Rest was arrowed in tribute. I still have one of the arrows among my memorabilia.

Roger Smith said...

This is the design of arrow the Beatty show used, at least in the early '80s.

All showmen dealt with highway police who hated our arrows and often took them down, or forbade 24-Hour Men from posting them. D.R. Miller craftily got around the problem. He had his arrows printed with "U.S. Gov't Convoy. Do Not Remove For 24 Hours".

At the funeral for San Antonio circus fan Dr. Ralph Hartman, an arrow was placed near his coffin, pointed up--a tradition for circus funerals, directing the departed to the Big Lot.