Saturday, July 07, 2018



Bob Cline said...

Mel Koontz.

Chic Silber said...

Scrubbing up 1 of his "Jackies"

The local "Pooch Parlors" just

refused to take him

Roger Smith said...

A relative-by-marriage of Mel Koontz, Sue Koontz, is writing a long-awaited bio on Mel. We've met,and have a thriving correspondence going about Mel and the Compound. Mel retired in 1964, due to failing eyesight. I never saw him work, since I arrived on the lot in '65. By then, Mel was Chief Steward for Moose Lodge 1919, in Thousand Oaks, and I spent many a long afternoon there, finding him a gold-mine of lessons, with which he cheerfully came forth.