Sunday, July 01, 2018



Chic Silber said...

Here is the just finished

"Happiness Train" in front

of my shop downtown Sarasota

awaiting its fresly painted

wheel covers & transport to

Venice WQ via Dick Brown's

"Flying Fleet" semi trailer

The locomotive & caboose are

shown below wandering through

the park as a kiddie ride

Chic Silber said...

That sign has hung on the

front of that building

since I opened the joint

in the Spring of 1972

During the busiest years

33 people worked with me

in this shop & office

Only things that changed

were our zip & area codes

Eric said...

I can still remember the lyrics of the song that Harold Ronk sang when this train made its way around the hippodrome track during spec. They began "All aboard the Happiness Train. Hang on, Hang on."

Chic Silber said...

For my last birthday

Kenny Dodd made a CD

of that entire Spec

including Hal's vocal

That 104th was 1 of

my favorite shows

Thought you might have

commented on the bands

Nice to have you back