Monday, July 23, 2018



Chic Silber said...

I know these globes aren't

mirrored but I like the image

Wade G. Burck said...

Everyone has an opinion, I guess. For year's it has baffled me when folks(who never worked with many different cage act props) criticize the Hawthorn props, yet let something like this mess pass unscathed. While I will not endorse much of what John Cuneo has done or did, I often note a strong Cuneo derangement syndrome in the opinions. Mirrored balls? Forget about them. I have managed to avoid them for over 40 year's, exception being 2 years on GSOE at GGW's insistence. It was one of the few thing's I suggested my son take out of his act. Why? Because after Charly Bauman NAILED mirrored ball's forever with his 3 alternating, up and down mirrored ball's, anything less then is just a sorry substitute. You had to see it, backed up by Shangri La and a million colored spotlights to appreciate it's full impact.

Having worked with a multitude of cage prop's over the year's, once you mastered moving around it, I would use Hawthorn;s pyramid, hands down, over anything else. Exception being what Circo Atayde/Aguilar built in Mexico a few year's ago.

Years ago when I first started my career, I was always told that the reason why cat acts always had a bunch of big props in the middle of the cage was so the trainer had something to get behind if he felt in danger. I just assumed it was an "old wives tale"(of which there are many), my thought being, if you feel in danger, maybe you should not be in the cage in the first place.

Wade Burck