Wednesday, July 25, 2018



Roger Smith said...

My great friend Bert Pettus told me he was a Barnett Brother. I never knew if that meant he had money in the thing, but he did have the elephants.

Justin banse said...

i personally think that circus performers have the most interesting and amazing stories to hear and share and remember, even though i am young, i did love going to circus camps in my area when i was younger and signing up for the clown classes, and then doing the final "big show" for my family and friends!

Chic Silber said...

Nice note Justin there are

still opportunities to be

a part of this business if

you REALLY want to

Justin banse said...

i would! any advice or places to be guided would be amazing!!! i know it has to be hard to get involved in animal acts these days, but ground acts or anything of that sort, or if i have my own animals to start my own act, advice on props, such as a globe or tubs, etc... and advice on training, cat acts always have been a favorite act of mine, dogs and horses too! im pretty sure its a little obvious i lack a lot of knowledge in circus, but im eager to learn more!