Friday, July 27, 2018



Chic Silber said...

Show nobility visiting

from Circus Central South

Chic Silber said...

Richard "Dick" Barstow on left

was the director & choreographer

of TGSOE for many years

Bob Dover on right was the

performance director & they

came to visit the CW park in

Haines City from the Venice WQ


You are doing a great job Chic. Thank you so much. We keep hoping that Buckles will get used to the new computer. Only time will tell. Thanks again Chic. Sincerely... BARBAR...

Chic Silber said...

Thanks for the thanks sweetheart

I'm having the time of my life

but I look forward to seeing

the Brigadier adding more stuff

I know you all have your hands full

Richard Reynolds said...

Where is this location with what looks like a steam locomotive tender in the background?

Chic Silber said...

This was behind the theater at the

"Circus World" park in Haines City

That tender (coal car) was part of

a prop train set that was driven

around the ring curb in the opening

of "The Day The Circus Comes To Town"

in the park's "Circus Day Theater"

The train set was beautifully built

but at too large a scale to easily

fit the space intended

Much stuff had to be stored outside

The park gave the Woodcock's easy

lifestyle not very far from Ruskin

Chic Silber said...

The giveaway Richard are the rubber tires

Chic Silber said...

I worked on a summer stock

season of tented musicals

in which Dick Barstow was

the director of 1 of them

"Girl Crazy" that had many

folks from Broadway

The canvas boss for all

five "Music Fairs" tops

was Phil Escalante of

circus canvas reknown

His wife Betty worked

for Bobby Johnsen at

the Sells Floto fund

for the rich & famous