Sunday, July 22, 2018

52 TGSOE #8


Chic Silber said...

Dieter (Krackow) Tasso

is still going strong

Roger Smith said...

I was wondering about him. By now, he is 100+, no kidding. I saw him the first time this 1952 season, and many times thereafter. He was on every major TV show on the air. Maybe he still is--?

The Freilanis were with us on the '64 Beatty show, doing a variety of turns. With them was Lothar, one of the true good guys on the show, at the time perfecting his one-finger stand. He and Jill were enjoying their first private trailer. When Beatty's electrical system failed in the Airstream, it was Lothar who stepped up with the expertise to fix things in an afternoon.