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"The One And Only"
He was still performing his full act through the spring of 1965 He died in July of that year "Alone in his greatness" He was in a class of his own
This was an insert for the Beatty-Cole program during the early to mid-1960s. One variation had 6 photos with similar poses bordering the main shot.
In his anouncement only the lions are referred to as "jungle bred" The lie about the tigers is that they are called "Royal Bengals" I can recite the entire spiel (but these are "natural born"
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"The One And Only"
He was still performing his full
act through the spring of 1965
He died in July of that year
"Alone in his greatness"
He was in a class of his own
This was an insert for the Beatty-Cole program during the early to mid-1960s. One variation had 6 photos with similar poses bordering the main shot.
In his anouncement only the lions
are referred to as "jungle bred"
The lie about the tigers is that
they are called "Royal Bengals"
I can recite the entire spiel
(but these are "natural born"
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