Friday, March 02, 2018

#7 James Bros.

If memory serves correctly this was an old Mills Bros. Top!
120' with three 40's!


Roger Smith said...

Right, I always heard it was the last Mills top. Uncle Sid got a pretty good deal on it, as this shot shows it up without a patch job in sight. By the time I got here, my Big Top experience had been with Mr. Beatty, but it had been his act under canvas, not mine. At Jungleland, we worked in 2 arenas--Mabel Stark's antique Barnes show cage, and across the park, on the Big Stage Arena. I took the lions out 4 times for Miller-Johnson and once for Al Kayda's little show, but none of these had a tent. Sid Kellner's James Bros. provided me my first time to work cats under a Big Top. The photographer followed us through the Bay Area dates, and took 3 rolls of film just of my act. In spite of years of entreaties, not one shot ever came to me.