Thursday, February 15, 2018

#3 Show Biz!

My wife came up with the "Slave Trader And Jungle Goddess" idea!
Cliff Vargas loved it!


Wade G. Burck said...

Greetings Buckles,

I note you are utilizing a European "Lockhart style" hook/whip. I have never seen one like that with a ball on the end. The more familiar to me cat whip has a swivel ferrel on the lash end. Knowing the limitations of twisted willow as a hook stock(like a wet noodle) I appreciate why you also have a standard elephant hook. I don't ever recall you with a whip before and am curious what the reason was in this case. Or was it as simple as an additional prop for the burly slave trader with which to subjugate the nubile nymphet. :)

Wade Burck