Tuesday, February 20, 2018

#18 Baraboo!

Buckles, Buthelier, Gary, Johnathan, Big Man Pilz, Shannon, Ben, Dan Pyle
Tom Hafner, Dalilah and Army Maguire!


Roger Smith said...

Army Maguire is the only man I know who made his own twisted whipstocks. He wrote a serialized, extensively detailed how-to with photos that made me realize this skill would remain beyond me.

Wade G. Burck said...

Is that "serialized, extensively detailed how-to with photos" available somewhere for purchase? Like you, it is a skill that remains beyond my ability but I still like to study and marvel at it.

Wade Burck

Roger Smith said...

Yes, this series of Army's was published by Cheri Valentine, in BACK YARD. She may refer you to the dates of issue. After 2 recent household moves, my copies have yet to be re-discovered, or I would provide the dates for you now.