Tuesday, December 26, 2017

#18 Sarasota!

Dorothy Lamour?


Roger Smith said...

Good-guy producer A.C. Lyles said in an interview that of all the great stars at Paramount, Dorothy Lamour was loved by everyone as the darling of the lot. She was forever on time, perfectly prepared for her scenes, and co-operative with her directors. When events came to her film company family, she quietly attended funerals, weddings, and the arrival of new babies for everyone on the payroll. She was a movie glamour queen who was more at home in the kitchen of a grip's wife, having coffee and gossiping, in her blue jeans and worn loafers, than she was being spotlighted as a star. Albert White and Fay Alexander told me of the big names on DeMille's GSOE, Miss Lamour, who was Dottie to everyone, was the standout favorite of the circus folks.