Wednesday, November 22, 2017


"Miss Oklahoma" reloading after after making her lap around the Hippodrome Track with Kelly-Miller Circus in the '50s under the direction of "Duch Narfski"!


Chic Silber said...

I just heard a 2nd hand rumor

that Kelly Miller might have

another life with a new owner

Can anyone add any information

Chic Silber said...

Might she have been the same gal

on Cristiani Wallace early 60s

Charles Hanson said...

Chic...According to Circus Report dated 11-10-17 the Show was sold to James Judkins. He previously had been general manager with Carson Barnes, some years ago, and also had Circus Chimera out for a few years.

Chic Silber said...

Many thanks Charles & I haven't

forgotten about your floss pan

I retrieved it from my warehouse

It's sitting quietly in the shop

waiting for me to pack & label it

I'll get in touch by E Mail soon

Charles Hanson said...

No problem....thanks

Tony Greiner said...

I am impressed that she would walk up to her trailer without a guiding hand. Reminds me of a chicken going to its coop. When you walk a hippo, is an ankus used?

Chic Silber said...

I mentioned on another post that

the attendant who walked the hippo

around the track on Cristiani Wallace

only had a thin stick as a guide

The hippo on Beatty for many years

seemed real good about leaving her

trailer for the tank to be cleaned

& returned to it without any effort

I don't recall any devices needed

She was a happy animal so it seemed