"Circus" appears on the overalls, and for a time in the Feld era, showed up on the train. A quote, correctly applied or not, was credited to Kenny Feld, as "We are not a circus. We're an entity above." (Or something like that.) When did the word "circus" vanish from the Feld concept?
"Circus" appears on the overalls, and for a time in the Feld era, showed up on the train. A quote, correctly applied or not, was credited to Kenny Feld, as "We are not a circus. We're an entity above." (Or something like that.) When did the word "circus" vanish from the Feld concept?
Going back to when Ringling
bought B&B the show title
was "RBB&B Combined Shows Inc"
The word circus was used in
much of the advertising & on
lots of the paper but none
of that matters anymore
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