Monday, November 06, 2017

#16 50's RB

Mister Misten!
As I recall he played a Xylophone from a revolving stage mounted on a Jeep!
I didn't see the show in 1953 but my mother did and while visiting in the Ladies Dressing room asked about him and everyone remarked how Intelligent and Polite he was but anxious to change the subject.
Word was that JRN had fired someone up in the Front Office he overheard Knocking the act!


Chic Silber said...

Pigeon toed goofy haired squirt

with a carefully placed rope

Patricia said...

Soooo... what ever happened to this kid? Did he stay in the business?

Roger Smith said...

I saw him that year, and someone posted here some later history for Mistin. But no, after generally lukewarm reception as a massively promoted Center Ring star, he didn't catch on, and even his most ardent advocate, JRN, saw no promise in a second season.