Sunday, October 22, 2017

#13 More Pix!

Phil and Fran Shacht's elephant "Dondi" trained by Mac MacDonald!


Roger Smith said...

Phil and Fran took out a series of ads in CIRCUS REPORT, thanking "Uncle Mac and Aunt Peggy" for the training on Dondi, which provided them with a whole new career. To their lasting credit, they gave credit where credit was due.

Wade G. Burck said...

Recognize the ball in the above picture painted red and gold? John Cuneo claimed he taught Mac every thing he knew, and never gave anybody credit where credit was due :) :)

Wade Burck

Billie Lou Henderson said...

Thanks Roger. I've always had a feeling that Dondi's outcome may have been a little different had Mack still been around. Wade, thanks for my biggest laugh in a long time. Even my sister, Peggy, would have laughed at that one.