Tuesday, September 05, 2017

#12 Animal Farms


Patricia said...

Wow, this is amazing. At first I thought it was a sand sculpture; but maybe it's carved from stone?
Where the heck is this? It's really beautiful

Chic Silber said...

I saw similar carvings in wood

in Northern Thailand Patricia

Some can be found in high line

deco arts joints like 1 here

in the Whitfield area not far

from University Parkway

Chic Silber said...

That local joint here is DecorDirect

& this from their ads "Wood Carvings"

have hundreds of statues and carvings

crafted wood sculptures of elephants

Patricia said...

The craftsmanship is outstanding. It's a little big for my living room though...

Chic Silber said...

Why don't you build

a BIG party room for

all your circus stuff

I'd be happy to send

you plenty of trash

(or treasures)

Patricia said...

Thanks anyway Chic, prefer to downsize, not accumulate more! I imagine my son sorting through stuff following my demise saying "What in the world did she keep THIS for???"

Chic Silber said...

More than 1 of my friends have asked

"have you ever thrown anything away"

My dear wife lives in constant fear

of me dropping dead & leaving it all

for her to deal with (about 143 big

dumpster trailers)