Monday, July 24, 2017



Bob Swaney said...

Coke bottles stacked in wooden cases, each bottle embossed with a city name on the bottom of the glass. In a group, whoever had the furthest away city emboss bought Cokes for all!

Capt Snug said...

When we took back the case of empties from the butcher and brought back a full one we made a quarter a case.

Roger Smith said...

This is a scene not entirely made clear to the audience. We hear no dialog as Sebastian bribes the catcher to stand back and allow him in the catch trap as a play for Holly.

Buckles said...

.....and it's not easy to get up on a pedestal board without being noticed!

Richard Reynolds said...

When did Coke quit with the yellow color scheme? The delivery trucks were yellow as well. Now they are red.