Saturday, June 10, 2017

#16 Movies


Patricia said...

Which came first- the character of Brad Braden or the town of Bradenton, FL?

Roger Smith said...

The name Brad Braden was borrowed as a derivative from RB publicist Frank Braden. Everyone knew Brad was based on Art Concello. JRN and Frank McClosky are seen on film, but Concello declined. He smiled at Heston's gruff delivery, telling the curious, "I don't bark orders like that. I pay people to do it for me."

Roger Smith said...

Brad commands, "Keep those cats covered when you move 'em!"

JRN tries to soften things about Holly losing Center Ring to Sebastian, saying, "You can blame me, if you want to."

Brad says, "Thanks, but it's my medicine. I'll take it."

Patricia said...

Roger, I hope you write a book someday. You could simply title it "Interesting Stuff I've Learned". I mean that sincerely. You are a storehouse of knowledge. Thank you for sharing it here.