Thursday, April 20, 2017

#3 Wardrobe

Don Foote sketch.


Chic Silber said...

I believe this was for

Sue Sue the dance captain

JC Hall said...

Looking at this part of why GSOE was.sure an inspiration for polishing ones shoes before stepping in the ring

Chic Silber said...

Who'd a thunk Jimmmy that

we'd live to see the end

of the ring the shoes and

even the shoe polish but

at least JRN Art Concello

& Irvin Feld aren't here

They are augering down

With Irvin's vision helped

become reality with folks

like Don Foote & Mattel's

checkbook the 70s & 80s

were among the very best

claiming the TGSOE title

Many of us would have bet

the farm that this could

not occur in our lifetime

Sad days indeed & its all

about greed