Friday, March 24, 2017

#3 Sparks

Winter Quarters in Macon, Ga.
Fascinated with that looping strap beneath the elephant's chin, I'd think it would be something the she would piddle with.....the stockings on her legs indicate she had recently stood in a tub of neatsfoot oil for a brief time to soften the nails for trimming.


Larry Louree said...

Could that strap be a horse like bit? It looks like the reins give up behind her head.

Charles Hanson said...

All of those historic buildings, housing elephants, horses, other animals, circus equipment, back in the day, are now gone. Splost money became available and they were recently torn down. Those buildings dated back to when Sun Bros., Sparks, King Bros., King-Cristiani wintered at Central City Park, Macon, Ga. The Round Building, for those familiar with the park, was recently renovated and saved.....All the rest are gone....Sadly, the city never properly maintained the buildings. For many years, the park stayed the same....but no more....