Wednesday, February 01, 2017

#2 "Movin' On!"



Claude Akins was a dream to work with no big star. When it was time to eat. He saw that everyone was feed before he sat down to eat. Real nice regular guy. Not fresh or anything like that.....Barbara.....


I had to change clothes for the next take after she had chased me down the street, I had on a black suit. So the Director gave me his hat, I put on jeans and kept the same blouse on. The next take was when Anna May broke the Fire Hydrant. Most of the takes were one or two takes. But this one was different. They kept doing it over and over. I found out later why. Every time that she broke the F.H. the water really sprayed every thing including me. What I didn't know was my blouse when it got wet was a see through. ( My son didn't even tell me. ) They all were really big jokers. The only take we had trouble with was where A.M. was supposed to demolish a fruit truck. We told them that it was going to be hard. As she would run up to the fruit truck then stop and finger all the fruit until she found the one she wanted. I don't think they believed us at first because it had all had gone so well. ( Oh yes I forgot when I wasn't being chased by A.M. or chasing her, I was hiding behind trees, trash cans, or signs, or whatever.) The truck take I was hiding behind the truck. And Anna May did just as we had told them she would do. So Ben came up with an idea of putting a board under the baskets of fruit & vegetables. It was not what they wanted but she had done so well on everything else that they let it slide. They really wanted her to tear the whole truck to pieces. That is just not Anna May.....Barbara....


Another thing I forgot to mention was after every take they had an over sized metal tub filled with ice & water filled with huge Delicious Apples. Boy did she love that. And Ben & I let Keenen give them to her. She liked Keenen a lot. Well I mentioned that they were all great jokers, always pulling pranks. It seems that the Doctor on set would pay more attention to the female actors than the male actors. The male actors if they got hurt he would give them an aspirin and send them on their way. But the females got the whole works. Full exam. Soooo---- Claude Akins came to me and said that they wanted to play a joke on the Doc. and ask if I would help. Of course I would. So they wanted me to faint ( the truck take had been hard and it was hot, and Claude had kept telling them to cut it and give me a rest. But I had insisted we get it done.) Well I fainted like they wanted, and they scream for the Doc. who comes running with his huge medical bag ( which cost $300:00 ) and everyone is crowded around & Claud saying that he had told them that they had been working me too hard in that heat. THEN THE DOC. OPENED THE BAG. IT WAS FILLED FULL OF ELEPHANT SHIT!!! The town people were crowed around the actors, and every one ROARED WITH LAUGHTER. I forgot to finish off what Ben did with the boards under the baskets of fruit. He had Anna May do a hind leg stand and come down on the boards like a teeter board. It helped, but did not make as big a mess as they wanted. Also I didn't mention Ben let me run the show the way I wanted. It was fun. Then while they were preparing the cars for another wreck he ask me if he could do a little three sheeting. ( showing off. ) So he had A.M. do an up and over then he did the mount on her butt, and he had on those police mans shoes. I don't know how he did it. As he always worked bare footed......Barbara....


Every one applauded for Ben, they loved it and wanted more. I would have Anna May run as fast as she could go and stop her at my feet. I was 126lbs. in those days. They couldn't get over it that I could control a huge beast like A.M.( I was showing off too.) But they had the last laugh on me as I do have a phobia about insects, snakes, etc. When we had to have A.M. run out through the woods they had the assistant Director walk in front of me, because I was afraid of bugs and things. They said I could control a huge animal and afraid of bugs.....Barbara.....