Saturday, January 21, 2017

#16 Big Apple

These days while being introduced I proclaim, "Shake the hand of the man who shook the hand of our President!


Chic Silber said...

From People Magazine in January of 88

"Despite the limitations imposed by its size
the Big Apple under Binder’s guiding hand has
grown from a hand to mouth outfit in a makeshift
tent to a Manhattan tradition with a passionate
following. Now using a heated tent donated by
Donald Trump the circus celebrates its 10th season
makes anticipated annual visits to Washington
Boston Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and has become
a major fixture in New York at Christmastime"

So where was he this past desperate year

Roger Smith said...

As it happens, The Donald was rather pre-occupied. BUT--I renew my call for those with access to the Trump industries to approach these well-placed folks about a resurrection of the Ringling show that they could certainly underwrite. This, of course, will need to involve a critically-needed draining of the swamp, "as it now exists", to borrow the words of John North.