Tuesday, January 03, 2017

#14 RB Late 50's

Swede Johnson's son and I were were kids together on Wallace Bros. Circus.
I still hear an occasional "Hunky" and "Buckles" story!


Mike Naughton said...
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Mike Naughton said...

From the top down:
Myron Orton (Buckles' relation)
Paul Jung
Pat Valdo, his original name was Patrick Francis Fitzgerald
Prince Paul Alpert

Roger Smith said...

Pat Valdo was the legendary Director of Personnel, who ran his job with such rare gifts, that not a bad word was ever heard of him. One staffer told me that endless demands were made of him for special privileges--some with ultimatums of "I get my way, or I don't work." Valdo had to deny many such entreaties, but when he did, people walked away liking him for it.