Friday, January 20, 2017

#1 Family Pix

In my "Great Pumpkin" outfit!


Chic Silber said...

The photo on the cover of

our local paper's "Ticket"

flacking "Extreme" in Tampa

shows a BIG girl in a very

pathetic outfit with nary

a bead nor sequin on it

as if we never before had

any female ringmasters

She looks more like the

lady that sings the last

aria at a low budget opera

I'll send you the image

just to compare outfits

Chic Silber said...

Mike Naughton just sent me

a note saying the internet

is tearing it up over her

pretty much saying the same

opera quote we all know

Mike Naughton said...

Some comments were unfair and heavy handed towards the person instead of separating the person from the role. Some comments reminded the world that RBBB decides the wardrobe, not the performer. After May it doesn't matter anyway.