Sunday, December 18, 2016

#9 Hugo, Okla.

"Miss Oklahoma" and Shirley Linderman.


Henry Penndorf said...

Which is which? :-)

Chic Silber said...

Shirley became Freddy's

1st wife & Miss Oklahoma

was just a good friend

Richard Reynolds said...

Miss Oklahoma was born in the Memphis zoo to the productive pair, Venus and Adonis. They arrived there in 1914. They also produced Miss Iowa, the hip that Fred Buchanan had on his Robbins show. Their last circus hip was the male sent to Floyd King for his King Bros.

Chic Silber said...

I thought that last hippo

was on the Beatty Show

billed as Big Otto but

might have been a female

Chic Silber said...

In rereading Richard's

note I realize that the

"last" was from Memphis

& not the last circus

What was Otto's history