Saturday, December 17, 2016

#1 From Chic Silber


Chic Silber said...

What a surprise Buckles

These are from different

offerings over the years

I flew up to the frozen

North last night brrrrr

This license plate was

screened by Tommy Cooper

while in a ossified state

Hence the rescreening of

"Ringling" with a slightly

different yellow backing

that was 1st as "Ringing"

Tommy was a good friend

that was a terrific show

painter that worked in my

shop on several projects

before moving North to the

Jersey Shore for a while

& opened a sign shop with

the title "PBR Signs" for

his favorite beer Pabst

Tommy started out in show

business as a clown (RIP)

I think I still have 1 of

these plates somewhere