Sunday, September 18, 2016

#6 Wild West

Jack Hoxie.


Bill Powell said...

Jack Hoxie was on my grandfathers circus, Schell Bros. Having a cowboy movie star was quite popular back in the 1920's and 30's. I guess Jack was a minor star and thus affordable for George Engesser. Decades later circa 2007 I am with Gee Gee Engesser at the Autry Museum of Western Heritage in Los Angeles. The Museum had a section of cowboy TV and Movie Stars. All the big ones were there... Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, Clint Eastwood, John Wayne....and around the corner in a very little display was Jack Hoxie described as a minor star with little talent. Guess that is why he made the tent show route.

Buckles said...

Little Talent? quote the Bard,.....sharper than a Serpents Tooth!

Roger Smith said...

The one B-Western actor I can think of who made it big is Tim Holt. He had years of oaters for Republic, along with the expected merchandising such as lunch boxes and comic books, when iNcredibly enough, Orson Welles co-starred him in the epic film THE MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS. Holt got raves as a dramatic actor, and more than held his own with Bogey and Walter Houston in TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE. A hell of a step up, and the only other Western star who graduated from B's to a substantial career in A pictures is John Wayne.